Amelia Island Hotel Offers Oceanfront Igloos for Winter

The Omni Hotel on Amelia Island is offering use of beach igloos during the winter months. (Omni Hotel)

The Omni Hotel on Amelia Island is giving guests a cozy way to enjoy the beach this winter—oceanfront igloos.

As temperatures drop in northern Florida, the hotel is offering these dome-shaped shelters where guests can stay warm while watching the waves.

The Omni Hotel on Amelia Island is offering use of beach igloos during the winter months. (Omni Hotel)

“Gather around a crackling beach fire, enjoy festive s’mores, holiday punch, and a spread of local charcuterie while listening to the ocean,” the hotel announced.

The igloos are available through January 1 and must be booked at least three days in advance. Each one can hold up to six guests.