These Pictures of Donald Trump’s Bombshell Wife, Melania Trump, Will Make You Drool!

United States’ Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has triggered more controversies than one could remember. The far-right leader known for his contentious views against Muslims and Mexican immigrants, is now officially the face of Republican Party. Although Trump, due to his loose statements, has turned into a matter of ridicule for his detractors, none could get their eyes away from his hot wife, Melania Trump.

While Trump’s possible ascent to the White House is described as a disaster in the making, the only good thing which could happen in the process would be that United States would arguably get its most beautiful First lady ever. Melania, who is approximately 24 years old younger than Trump, has been a celebrated model. Here are some images of the Trump’s bombshell wife which would make you drool:

Melania has not stayed away from the political heat. In a recent television interview, she challenged the anti-Trump narrative of the media, and accused the press of deliberately painting him as a racist. “He has an amazing mind and he’s not racist, despite what the media has said,” she said.

Melania’s past has been used by Trump’s political opponents to attack him. Ted Cruz, who opted out of the presidential race on Tuesday, had earlier shared an image of Melania posing for a magazine cover, and asked, “Do you want her to be the First Lady of US?” The conservative leader’s intention was to draw aversion towards Trump among the believing Christians. However, the move backfired as media pointed out that he had at least five girlfriends, including models.