Melania Trump ‘Furious’ After Stormy Daniels Bombshell

Melania Trump allegedly wanted her husband, Donald Trump, to be shamed for his sex scandal involving Stormy Daniels. Trump allegedly paid Daniels $130,000 in hush money to keep their affair a secret.

Melania intentionally backed out of an overseas trip amid the controversy, according to a new book titled American Woman: The Transformation of the Modern First Lady. The scandal arose when Daniels accused Trump of paying her $130,000 in hush money prior to the 2016 US presidential election.

Melania Trump allegedly wanted her husband ‘humiliated’. Trump dismissed the allegations as an “extortion plot,” but his former attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 to violating federal campaign laws in connection with the payment to Daniels.

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Stormy Daniels, a porn star and former stripper, has been the subject of a new documentary titled “Stormy.” Following Daniels, who rose to fame in 2018 as a result of an alleged liaison with Donald Trump in 2006, is the documentary that Sarah Gibson and Erin Lee Carr directed. In 2016, allegedly with the help of Trump’s then-lawyer Michael Cohen, Daniels received $130,000 in “hush money” to keep quiet.

Trump has consistently denied having an affair with Daniels, and she also admitted to sexually abusing an older neighbor when she was nine. Daniels has received threats, including one in which Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, shot rubber bullets at her horse. Daniels has also prepared for the possibility of dying, instructing Nicks to write a document stating that if she dies, she should sell the hard drives to a news station or police department and split the proceeds with her daughter. The documentary is now streaming on Peacock.

Stormy Daniels, a former journalist who alleged a hush money deal with Donald Trump, has been accused of being threatened by a stranger after coming forward. Daniels, who previously told “60 Minutes” in 2018, claimed that a man in her gym parking lot threatened her and demanded to leave Trump alone. The man, whom Daniels described as handsome, was reportedly a Republican Party ally. Trump’s attorney, Brent H. Blakely, denied the alleged threat incident.

Daniels signed an NDA to create a paper trail linking their names, claiming she was afraid Trump would have her killed. Trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 felony charges stemming from lying in his company records about reimbursement payments to Cohen for hush money payouts. Daniels owes Trump $600,000 in legal fees, with the amount growing to over $600,000 due to interest. Daniels also claims that her disgraced and incarcerated former lawyer, Michael Avenatti, filed the lawsuit on her behalf without her permission.