How Donald Trump and Joe Biden Polls Look Eight Months Before Election

Joe Biden and Donald Trump are currently tied in the polls ahead of the November election. With eight months remaining, voters are more concerned with the president’s issues than his expected Republican challenger. Biden has narrowly beaten Trump in two of the last six serious polls, while Trump leads in three and one is tied. Polls show that potential voters are more concerned with the 81-year-old president’s age as he seeks reelection than with the 77-year-old Republican running for a second term. According to surveys, people believe Trump will be better at handling the economy than Biden if elected president.

By the end of Super Tuesday, Trump is expected to have all but secured the Republican presidential nomination for 2024, with polls indicating he will defeat Nikki Haley in all 16 races held on March 5. Biden, who faced no serious challenges in the Democratic primary, should be confirmed as the party’s nominee soon, despite polls indicating that voters would prefer another candidate.

A Morning Consult poll of 6,334 registered voters found Biden with a one-point lead over Trump (44 percent to 43 percent), the first time Biden has led since early January. An I&I/TIPP poll of 1,246 registered voters found Biden with a slight 43–42 percent lead over Trump. When other presidential candidates are included, Biden and Trump are tied at 38 percent.

A CBS News/YouGov poll released on March 4 found that Trump leads Biden by four points (52% to 48%), with likely voters believing Trump is in better physical and cognitive health than the president.