Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday Might Not Go to Plan

Donald Trump is expected to win all 16 Republican primary races on Super Tuesday, with some surveys predicting he will receive roughly three-quarters of the vote in some states. However, there have been discussions about how he appears to have underperformed in previous results when compared to polls, with Haley still receiving potentially significant support despite the fact that her nomination is almost certain.

Trump expects to win all of his GOP primary races against Nikki Haley on Super Tuesday, with Michigan winning by a whopping 42%. In South Carolina, Trump defeated Haley by 20 points, but polls showed the former president winning by an average of 27.7. Trump won New Hampshire by 11 points, but FiveThirtyEight’s average poll tracker predicted a victory margin of nearly 18 points. Rick Wilson, founder of The Lincoln Project, suggested that Trump’s potential landslide victories on Super Tuesday could obscure the former president’s potential challenges in winning over the general public in November.

Trump spokesperson Steve Cheung responded to claims that the former president underperformed in some primary races, stating that Republican voters have overwhelmingly supported him in every single primary contest.