Jan. 6 Defendants Sue Police Officers for ‘Millions’

A group of January 6 defendants has filed a class action lawsuit against 21 Capitol Police officers and officials for “millions of dollars in damages,” according to inmate Edward Jacob Lang. Lang, who describes himself as a “January 6 political prisoner,” was arrested soon after the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. An FBI affidavit from January 15, 2021, showed that federal investigators were tipped off about Lang’s participation in the attack by members of the public who shared photos and videos that he himself had shared on social media. He is accused of wielding a dangerous weapon against Capitol Police officers and obstruction of an official proceeding.

Lang is now trying to sue several Capitol Police officers for damages. In a tweet, Lang wrote that the lawsuit was “picked up by Conservative powerhouse” attorneys Stefanie Lambert and Russell Newman. He also mentioned that 17 other US Capitol Police/MPD officers & officials remain to be served in the J6 Class Action Lawsuit for their actions that left 4 unarmed peaceful protestors dead.

Several people died during and after the January 6 attack on the Capitol, including members of law enforcement and Trump supporters. USCP Officer Brian Sicknick, who had confronted rioters, died after suffering two strokes. Four other police officers—from the Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department—died by suicide after the riot. Two people in the crowd died of natural causes—of a heart attack and a stroke, respectively—on the day of the riots.